Side by Side or Miles apart Family is always close at heart – Hanger/Sign


Please check off how many hearts you will need (please select only one)

Please type out the names for each heart separated by a comma

Please select color for the bow (please select only one)

SKU: gf-sign-side by side Categories: , , , , ,

Perfect for mother’s day, sibling’s day, holiday or just because.  Each sign is approximately 11″ in diameter, with a concealed hole to hang on a wall.  You select which color ribbon, we have available at this time, beige with black (as shown), black/white checker, red with beige edging and red/white checker.  Each sign is engraved and cut on our laser out of wood for the topper  With this design we can fit up to 10 hearts with names on it.  Please specify how many hearts you will need and correct spelling of names for each heart.